I know, I know, you want me to shut up about racing already, but I can't help it! This one I've been talking about for awhile now. It was a 2 lap, 64 mile race in Gunnison CO... well, it was supposed to be 2 laps, but I wussed out after one. Still, 32 miles of this stuff was brutal! And plus, I rode three hours of it on a bent saddle about after lawn darting myself a couple of feet. Pretty sure it was my worst crash yet. Here is the results from my Garmin: http://connect.garmin.com/player/35330434. At 40:32 you can see the speed chart go from 14.9 mph to 0... yep, that's my front tire catching on something (no clue what, never saw it) and me flinging over my handlebars. Luckily, it was on a up hill after a descent and I rolled out of it. Some lost skin, but no broken bones. Gunnison has some truely amazing trails! It reminded me of Moab and Fruita. Lots of fast flowing trails and technical sections.... and do I mean technical! It's also only 20 mins from Crested Butte which is known to have some the best trails ever! And just think, your good friend Gunchie is only 4 hours away from it! Let me know you want to visit!