You've asked for it and it's time. Our our first Pink Sock ride and cookout {crowd goes wild} of 2010 will be THURSDAY May 13th (my post last week was that it would be on May 12th, but I forgot that I agreed to play softball on Wednesday nights starting in May -- sorry for any confusion). If you are new, you may wonder what the heck a Pink Sock Ride is. It is a No ONE Left Behind ride which includes the male persuasion and caters to the less experienced mtn biker. It's a ride that encourages beginners to join us and we will not leave you behind on the first lap. After one lap, people will have had a chance to determine their speed and skill levels and then can join in with others similarly matched and go for a second lap. The women have been honing their riding skills, so now it's time to add in the men!

Not sure yet which park. It will be either Sunderbruch or Scott County Park, but I want to wait to see what the weather holds (Sco Co Pa is less resilient and is more apt than Sunderbruch to be closed after rain). If at Sunderbruch, we will meet at 5:30 PM. if at Sco Co Pa, we will meet at 6:00 PM.

Pink Sock rides regularly end with a cookout in the parking lot. I have a small portable grill, and if one or two other people bring a small grill, we will be set! Bring something to throw on the grill if you're inclined, a lawnchair, and beverages. Plan to enjoy some post-ride parking lot camaradery.

Stay tuned for the park location closer to the date! SAVE THE DATE!!!