I think the woman roadies have been infected by our own Bexter- on the womens rides she's been teaching them that saying "hi" to other bikers is ok and helping them recognize that not saying hi makes them come across as looking stuck up and rude.

For the roadies in general, I think riding the road is just SOOO boring, that they have to go to a fantasy world in their mind or they'd go crazy or quit riding after 10 minutes. (Just like I do when I run. Sheesh!) If they say "Wassup?!" it will break the trance they have to put themselves in and remind them that they spent a buttload of money just to be bored. Plus they wear their sisters leotards so, you know, maybe they're afraid saying hi would indicate an alternative lifestyle.

Not that there's anything wrong with that...

(this is tongue in cheek- if anyone's offended call me and I'll change it)