So I have to bring this topic back as I had a bad experience with a large group of roadies today. I'm out for a road ride due to the current weather conditions and heading north down Hubbert road outside of Hampton when on the other side of the road I see a large group of bikes headed my way. Now there are about 20-25 riders in this group and I'm thinking it's the tour or something and looking for Lance some where mid pack. So I get a little excited and as they go by I give them a big wave, big enough to show the yellow of my pit. Now you would think that at least one of those riders would have at least noded their helmet or something but not even so much as a smile from the whole group. So how does this help promote biking in the QCA? When you see two motorcycles pass on the street you almost alway see them give that down low type of wave to each other but when two roadies pass each other they both have their head down or looking the other way like they are training for the tour or somthing. So next time you'r out on the road because the trails are to wet and you pass a roadie or anyone else on a bike for that matter raise your hand high and show them the yellow of your pits, this will let them know you enjoy riding your bike!