Ah, yet another FORC party in the books. It seems some of us never learn from past mistakes. I have a lot on my mind this morning, let's start with the thank you's:

First and foremost, thank you to KC and AG for the headache errrr...I mean, party. I'm amazed that you do it right every time!
Thank you to Bexter for creating such an entertaining video. I mean it...That thing is good!
Thank you to whomever brought the Dogfishhead 60 min IPA and foolishly left it front & center in the fridge where I could easily find it (and steal it). That was the best beer I drank (stole) all night. I hope there was at least one left for you.
Thank you to Lucy for licking my body on the couch - you fiendishly licked my face, neck, and wrists just feet away from my wife, no less. I'd like to further thank you for the subsequent hives that have broken out all over my body. Is there anything worse than waking up with a headache, a serious case of dehydration, [I]and[I] itchy hives? I sure don't think so.
Thank you to Muscatine Jim. Where do I begin with you? I doubt that you'll even be able to begin reading again until Wednesday but let me just say I've felt that drunk before but I have never seen that drunk before.
Thank you to Eduardo for pouring me a fabulous Black & Tan!
Thank you to Hollywood for bringing ass-on-fire barbeque pork. Thanks to you, in addition to dehydration, headache and hives I'll have something else to worry about later this morning.
In times like these they say, "Don't forget to thank your wife!" So, Aimster, thanks for meeting my "friends" and still allowing me to associate with them.
I'm sure I'm leaving deserving people out of this showering of gratitude...thanks to everyone who showed up and made it a great time.

As usual, after a night of drinking I'm sorry for a lot of things, too.
First of all, I'M NOT SORRY for stealing the aforementioned 60 Minute IPA. Dude, that was tasty.
I am sorry for ruining almost every picture taken of me. Someone laughed at me when I made a funny face when I was 12 years old and I've been destroying memorable pics ever since. My wife hates me for that. You should see our wedding album. While I'm at it, I'm sorry, Honey, for not growing up.
I am sorry for picking up random cameras and filming whatever my heart desired. If you brought a camera to the party, I suggest that you flip through it before sharing with your family at church today.
Speaking of which, I am sorry for filming instead of catching Muscatine Jim as his legs gave out from under him.

I'm going way long here, so I'll wrap it up with a few random thoughts:
To Rick & Joan: You two are the best...Ever!
To Rage: Man, did you ever out-kick your punt coverage! Legs is smokin'! In fact, all you ladies are hot. It's a wonder how so many beautiful women [I]choose[I] to hang out with what amounts to little more than a drove of dorks.
To Muscatine Jim: Dude, maybe you should mix in a water every once in awhile.
To 2010: Brace yourself, the FORCers appear primed for another year of debacles, shennanigans, and tomfoolery.

Peace, Love, and Dirt.