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Thread: 3 Park Duro Warmup - Sunday Aug. 9th 9am-4pm

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Hampton, IL
    Board Position
    Trail Steward - Illiniwek; Web Director

    Default 3 Park Duro Warmup - Sunday Aug. 9th 9am-4pm

    I'm planning on doing a 3 Park Duro warmup ride on Sunday August 9th to get a taste of what the whole shebang will be like the following weekend. If you aren't yet sure you want to commit to the full 5 park Duro, this ride will let you know if you're up to it.

    09:00 - Meet at IFP in north trailhead parking lot
    09:10 - Roll out for a full lap of IFP (~5 mile)
    10:00 - Leave IFP for SP along bikepath (11 miles)
    11:00 - Arrive at SP shelter and regroup
    11:15 - Ride lap of SP in both directions (~2 mile)
    11:45 - Depart for SBP (9 miles)
    12:30 - Arrive at SBP shelter and regroup
    12:45 - Ride full lap of SBP (~6.5 miles, includes black trails, you're free to ride what you want)
    13:45 - Regroup at SBP shelter and depart for IFP via bikepath (19 miles) We may stop for food/libations along this leg.
    15:15-16:00 - Arrive back at IFP

    Click to view interactive ride route.

    Recommended to Bring:
    • 2 tubes and a pump
    • ~1000 cal. of food to keep the bonk away
    • Plenty of water (2 bottles or a hydration pack)
    • Multi-tool

    This is not an official FORC ride and there will be no SAG support. If you want to tag along, plan on being self supported and able to arrange transport if something happens with your bike or you are unable to continue. Expect the ride pace to be of moderate intensity (14-16 mph cruising speed on the bike path sections). The ride is weather dependent and if the trails are closed it will be cancelled.

    Total distance: 53.5 miles (13.5 miles of singletrack)

    Let me know if you plan to show.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Hampton, IL
    Board Position
    Trail Steward - Illiniwek; Web Director


    Ride cancelled due to rain and wet trails.

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