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Thread: South Loop Climb Reroute Project (Wood Berms out the Wazoo)

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default South Loop Climb Reroute Project (Wood Berms out the Wazoo)

    Below is an overview of the structures we have received approval to build during the reroute of the steep south loop climb at Illiniwek. The IFP Ranger actually suggested using wooden structures because they are less disruptive to the local soil, plants, and hydrology.

    What is going on?
    We are currently in the process of rerouting the steep climb on the south loop of the park (reasons listed below). The new dirt trail has nearly been completed and we are now moving towards building the structures necessary to span drainages and make sustainable, low impact, and fun turns.

    Map of new trail and feature locations. Click to enlarge.

    The Structures

    (1) Elevated Turning Platform with Berm

    This design is an alternative to a switchback style turn like we built on the north loop two years ago. This method allows a larger turning radius (11-16 feet vs. 7 feet) and will provide a better riding experience. The berm doubles as a guard rail allowing a taller/wider structure while still factoring in user safety. The bent deck planks will allow this feature to be ridden at any speed and will eliminate a harsh transition between the deck and berm. This gradual curve will also reduce the amount of debris (leaves, dirt, etc.) which can collect on the structure and promote rot or increase the chance of washing out a tire.

    Basic construction consists of 6x6 posts joined to create piers, triple 2x6” deck stringers spanning between piers for the under structure of the deck, and rough sawn white oak decking (1.25" thickness). Treated dimensional lumber will be used to provide longevity especially where wood/dirt touch. The deck and foundation is designed to handle a combined load of 100psf which is typical for high use trail bridges.

    Deck planks will be steam bent off-site using a steam box and bending jig to repeat the same 2’ radius curve along the entire length of the deck.

    (3) Wooden Ground Berm

    Similar to the berm on SBP's Jubilee trail but will span 180 degrees with a radius of 11 feet. This berm will also feature bent decking planks to suit riders of varying speeds. Treated 4x4 posts and 2x6 & 2x4 stringers will make up the underlying structure.

    (4) Boardwalk

    This 40’ boardwalk will span a seasonally wet area. The posts for the boardwalk were installed on 10/21/14 and are made from locally harvested black locust (a very decay resistant wood). Treated 2x6 stringers and rough sawn oak decking will finish off the tread area. The boardwalk will feature a slight bank as it rounds a corner and some undulations along its length.

    (2) Small Berm Bridge

    This bridge spans a small drainage (~10’ wide) and will mimic the design of the other structures but on a smaller scale. Treated 4x4 posts and 2x6 lumber will be used for the structure with rough sawn oak decking.

    What is needed to complete this project?
    I will be asking the FORC board and membership at the November meeting to approve as much funding for this project as is feasible given our current finances. I will have a price estimate/bill of materials ready for the meeting. We probably won’t have enough to cover all of the costs at this time so we will need to find more funding or material donations to make up the difference. I have found several grants that could help with this project but we are currently ineligible since we are not a 501c3 non-profit organization. I also asked Illiniwek for help but they have exhausted their yearly discretionary spending and could not contribute other than on-site materials and some labor. If you know of any businesses that would be interested and able to donate funding/materials for this project please let me know (send me a pm).

    I have a source lined up that is willing to sell us treated posts at near cost and help transport materials for the price of fuel and another source that can supply rough sawn decking at a very reasonable price. A source for fasteners (timber screws and decking screws) would be very helpful because we will need a lot of screws. Also looking for a supplier of treated dimensional lumber.

    When will this project be completed?
    It would be great to have this project finished by early spring and ready to showcase at the 2015 Illiniwek Abermination race. This is doable given we can obtain the necessary funding and materials. Below is a rough time line which will make this possible:

    1. Setting all posts this fall before the ground freezes (usually late Nov.)
    2. Building the understructure and installing decking over the winter/early spring
    3. Rehabilitate the existing section of replaced trail as soon as the new trail is opened (spring)

    Why is the old trail being rerouted?
    This section of trail averages around 20% grade for the initial climb. We have a hard time keeping local soils in place on anything steeper than 12% and if we do nothing this trail will eventually turn into a large incision in the slope. It is already at the point where erosion is accelerating rapidly and as time progresses will get much worse. The amount of work needed to correct it now will be much less than at a later date. The steepness also poses a safety concern because it is not possible to quickly stop a bike while descending and poor sight lines exist along much of the steepest sections of trail. We have already had multiple reports of user conflicts in this area and are working to address this issue on the trails.

    When can we start?
    We have already started on a few minor projects in this area. Most of the new trail has been dug in and posts for the boardwalk are installed. Once we get the required materials for the structures we will resume trail work days to begin construction. The dates are currently unknown until funding has been secured to purchase the materials. Stay tuned for updates and project announcements.

    Last edited by DH001; 11-04-2014 at 04:29 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Awesome project(s), Drew... and extremely ambitious!

    If you come across funding avenues and need help/input/advice, let me know...I'd be glad to help any way I can.
    "ya, well...that's like...your...opinion. man."

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Interstate 80


    Drew!! Just... Damn. Solid.

    Haters gonna hate.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Left Field


    Way cool Drew. I am ready to help out!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Looks great. We can help on the weekends.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    looking good. As soon as my foot is cleared to do some real work I'll help out.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Project Update

    A bit of a setback at the moment on the funding front. FORC can't contribute to this project based on it's current financial situation. This means in order to finish by spring the funds must be raised specifically for this project.

    However, we are off to a good start with with nearly $400 in the project bank. Salutations to: Jeff H., Russ B., Eric P., Dave B., Justin C., Joel P., Mike C., and Megan G. who have already made personal contributions! If we can raise another $600 by Nov. 18th (or get a hookup for material donations) it will allow us to get all the posts and fasteners needed to complete Phase I of the project and remain on schedule for spring. I will be contacting a few more leads this week hoping to take a chunk out of that amount.

    Phase II will require raising $1350 or an equal amount in material donations (most of that being 2x4 & 2x6 treated lumber and deck screws). Our window of opportunity to raise this amount will start to close by mid January if the trail is to be ready by the 2015 Illiniwek Abermination race.

    Here is the list of materials needed for all four structures: Bill of Materials (pdf) and Condensed Materials List (pdf). There was some concern the cost estimates for this project were too low, but I double checked material quantities and the math behind the estimates and it is in agreement with the previous figures. If anything, the estimates are liberal enough to ensure we still have funds to carry out the project if problems arise.

    If you know of any sources that may be willing to donate materials or funds please get it touch or forward them this information.

    We have also established an online donations fund for this project. Click the button below to donate through PayPal.

    Last edited by DH001; 11-04-2014 at 07:10 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    UPDATE: We have received $900 in donations which is enough to move forward with purchasing posts. Thanks again to all who contributed! We still need make it to the $1000 goal to cover fasteners and a few other items. Posts will be delivered Saturday the 15th at 9:00 am to the upper south loop parking lot. Details on upcoming work days here: Sat. & Sun. IFP Workdays

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Hampton, IL
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    Trail Steward - Illiniwek; Web Director


    Post locations marked.

    Posts delivered.

    Ready to build!

  10. #10
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    We got a great start on the switchberm today and ended up setting 8 of the 16 posts (the biggest 8). The gas powered auger was invaluable given the rooty and hard soil. Being gas powered doesn't mean it's easy though. We'll be working on getting the remaining posts set this week. Stay tuned for work announcements or better yet join the IFP trailwork e-mail list or subscribe to the Illiniwek forum to get them in your inbox.

    Getting started.

    The first post is always the hardest.

    50 hours less work to do.

    More photos from today here.

  11. #11
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    We had another super productive work day today and managed to get ALL of the posts set for the ground berm. Having a generator in the woods to run power tools makes this kind of project go so much faster (thanks Brandon!). We'll be out again in a few days when/if things dry up a bit.

    Finished up the remaining posts for the switchberm on Wed. (11/19).

    Saturday (11/22) we finished setting all the posts for the ground berm.

    More photos from the week here.

  12. #12
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    We made more progress last Sunday. Installed most of the deck joists on the switch berm.

  13. #13
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    Progress Update:

    Sunday we installed all the remaining deck joists for the switchberm, boardwalk, and the small berm bridge. The next step will be installing curved joists which will support the top of the berm planks.

    Berm bridge overview.

    Boardwalk overview.

    Boardwalk post/joist detail.

    More photos here.

  14. #14
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    Quite a few updates to cover…

    Over the past few weeks we have been experimenting with bending wood (pressure treated pine) using a steam box and jigs to create the curved framing members. First we tried bending whole 2x4s but the results weren't satisfactory. Lots of knots in the wood led to uneven bending, kinks, and splits. 2x4s also required a large amount of force to bend and didn't like to stay bent when unclamped from the jig.

    Steam box in action.

    Fast acting propane boiler starts making steam within 15 seconds.

    Steamer plumbing. The red tube carries steam into the box. Clear tubing is the water feed (from 5 gal. bucket) and condensate recovery from the box. The steamer uses ~ 1 gallon of water per hour.

    First attempt at bending a 2x4 was unsuccessful. The board cracked around a large knot in the center.

    Closeup of the knot and cracks.

    We ended up slicing the 2x4s in half on a table saw to create 1x4s which could be bent, carefully and with a lot of clamps, without steaming. This was only possible because the treated lumber still had a high moisture content which makes it more flexible. It was much easier to work with these if they were steamed and bent close to the radius that was needed, especially for the smaller radii.

    Resawn 2x4s ready for steaming.
    Out of the steamer and into the jig.
    After bending.

    On Sunday, after some trial and error, Russ, Mike and I were able to get about half of the berm rim joists installed on the structures. We laminated four resawn 1x4s to make a 4x4 beam. Polyurethane construction adhesive was applied between each layer to add strength and seal the joints from water to prevent rot and freeze thaw cycling. The layers were clamped to close glue joints, as much as possible, and screwed together with 3” deck screws at 1 foot intervals. The 1x4s were staggered along the length of the span to keep the end joints from overlapping (like bricks in a wall). This creates one very strong continuous beam.

    Starting to take shape.

    Russ prepping a board with polyurethane glue. I still have this stuff on my hands two days later...

    Laminated 1x4s make up the rim joist for the elevated berm.

    Have to leave a gap for the existing trail at the moment.

    Berm bridge progress.

    After finishing the rim joists, the next step is getting the mid berm joists bent and installed. These will sit on the angled braces between the outer posts and the cross-members and support the middle of the berm planks. These will be constructed in a similar fashion to the rim joists but will be more challenging because they require a complex curvature (curved in two directions). We will be working on this for the next few weeks until the decking arrives.

    The rough cut oak decking is currently being sawn at the mill and is on schedule for delivery at the end of March.

    Many more photos here.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Lookin good! Do you think the berms will be ready for the abermination?

  16. #16
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    Given we don't have any major setbacks, that is the plan. It definitly looks doable at the moment.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Rock Island, IL


    WOW! Awesome!
    I wanna ride!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    United States


    Omg u guys r insane in an AWESOME and amazing way.

  19. #19
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    Great turnout today! We finished the laminated rim joists for the berm bridge and the ground berm. Still getting all the pieces cut and forms built for the final middle joists. Surge also got the last section of trail leading up to the features cleared and ready for bench work. 29 days left...

    Getting started by hauling in the pre-bent boards.

    Lots of hands are required to get the boards lined up.

    After four layers are in place they are fixed with deck screws. Necessary to free up clamps for the next board.

    Bexter applying additional wood preservative. Resawing the 2x4s exposed the untreated core of the board so additional treatment was required. We used Woodlife Coppercoat (copper napthenate) brush on preservative.

    Jordan getting the hard to reach areas.

    The glue station.

    The correct number of clamps is n+1.

    Setting the last few boards on the ground berm to the proper radius.

    Final progress on the ground berm from today.
    6000 lbs of white oak decking delivered. This pile weights more than the car parked behind it.

  20. #20
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    Update from Sunday:

    We were able to complete the top joist, install the remaining deck joists, and start on the middle berm joist on the largest structure. Lots of little projects were also finished that were necessary to get the trail opened like pulling big logs away from the new trail with the come along.

    Added carriage bolts to connect the boardwalk posts/joists.

    Russ reworking a dirt berm.

    Used some jigs to make it easier to get the beams aligned and glued

    More clamping.

    Old trail is now blocked.

    Temporary signs are up which will keep the old trail closed until the new section is done.

    Detail of the middle berm joist.

    Completion thus far.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    When is the next workday?

  22. #22
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  23. #23
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    Lots of tasks completed over the weekend.

    Boardwalk was finished. Approach/exit ramps have been built for the boardwalk and berm bridge. Exit ramp completed for the big elevated berm turn. Approach and exit for the ground berm were roughed in. More connecting trail was benched. All framing for the structures was completed. Decking is priority #1 at the moment.

    Decking the boardwalk on Saturday.

    Boardwalk done.

    Last section of framing being screwed and glued in place.

    Ground berm framing complete.

    Making a bigger dirt berm.

    Tweaking the approach to the wood berm.

    First test plank installed. 70 more to go...

    Plank bending jig.

    Plank #4 & 5 hot off the jig. The braces keep the wood from straightening out as it cools and dries.

    More images from the weekend here.

  24. #24
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    Hampton, IL


    I can blow leafs tonight if we don't get too much rain.

    "I've spent half of my life riding a bike, the other half I wasted!"

  25. #25
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    Update: Over the weekend we finished 99% of the remaining dirtwork, rehabbed the old trail, and got 2/3rds of the planks installed on the large berm. I expect to have 25 more planks ready to go by Wed. evening when we will get them installed. The large structure should be complete by Thurs. which will give us some time to work on finishing the others. The trail will stay closed until at least Saturday because there are still some areas that are a safety issue with the unfinished structures.

    Big berm planking.

    So close...

    Old trail during rehab.

    Old trail after rehab.

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